Gabriel Kron, undersigning his book "Tensor Analysis", with a tongue-in-cheek comment!
A time when the advisor was an advisee!
Classical control vis-à-vis Modern control
Clicked from the Chicago River, Chicago [2021]
Clicked in Downtown, Minneapolis [2022]
Clicked in Dinkytown, Minneapolis [2023]
Wonderful Insights
Some interesting physics (of coffee)
Lesson for all researchers
On how a figure should be drawn--Hergé
Credit: Sairaj (a draughtsman himself)
Tintin from King Ottokar’s Sceptre
Somewhere in Chennai, India [2018] (On how electrical lineworkers fix a broken underground power cable)
(a) Cable
(b) Crimping
(c) Crimped
(d) Sleeving
Somewhere in Monticello, Illinois [2022]
Featuring the twilight sky and a (typically rare) transmission line tower that performs transposition
Genius, Millionaire, Visionary, & Philanthropist. Clicked at the Dept. of ECE, Grainger College of Engineering, UIUC [2022]
Sharp advice
Peter Diamandis's provocative laws noted outside the office of (the always placid) Prof. Peter Sauer, at UIUC [2022]
How I cite my own works in my papers...
Location: Sri Venkateswara temple (Tirumala) [2014]
Location: Physics Department, IISc, Bangalore [2019]
Location: Chemical Science Department, IISc, Bangalore [2020]
Plagiarism detected at IITB
🚩 gacchatastiṣṭhato vāpi jāgrataḥ svapato'pi vā | na vicāraparaṃ ceto yasyāsau mṛta eva sa: || 🚩
Source: Yoga Vāsiṣṭha
Transl: While in motion, or while keeping still, while awake or in sleep, if one's mind is not given to contemplation, introspection, reflection, or, inquiry, he is indeed as good as dead.